Sunday, May 2, 2010

Can Sex Slow Down The Aging Process?

'Iron Man 2' World PremiereOkay, so it has been proven that age doesn't diminish one's sex drive. Hence all the Hugh Hefner alikes and equivalent female comparisons of today's society who seem to be enjoying healthy sexual appetites as they mature.

We often think that something that feels good can’t possibly be good for us. Now it’s time to think again.

Does sex keep us young and help fight the effects of aging? It may be somewhat arguable by the minority but, for all those of us who are, have or plan to enjoy a healthy sex life you will be pleased to know that the answer is a compelling yes!

Here are some of the reasons why sex slows down the aging process:

18th Annual A Night at Sardi's Fundraiser and Awards Dinner - Arrivals
 #1: Keeps Us Fit - would you rather run 75 miles or have sex 3 times per week for a year? Research shows that both activities burn approximately the same number of calories. (7,500 to be exact). So keep that heart rate up! Hugh O’Neill, editor of Men’s Health magazine, recently listed some health benefits of sex. Including improved cholesterol levels and increased circulation. Men’s Health also reported that men who have sex at least 3 times a week may have a decreased risk of developing prostate problems.

#2: Makes Us Feel Good - so what I here you say? Well behind those good feelings are endorphins – the hormone in charge of eliciting elevated spirits and positive perceptions of our environment. Researchers say that such inspiration comes from the activity of certain brain centers which change the hormonal status of the body. Good quality sex produces a spiritually elevating effect on the chemical levels and also reduces stress. People who have intercourse have better responses to stressful situations than those who abstain from sex.

#3: Boosts Our Immune System - Having sex even 1 to 2 times a week has been linked to increased levels of an antibody called immunoglobulin, which can protect us from colds and other infections. Paul Pearsall, Ph.D., author of Superimmunity: Master Your Emotions and Improve Your Personal Health, also maintains that sex in a loving relationship helps the immune system by increasing the flow of certain chemicals in the body. So if our bodies aren't undergoing the toll of fighting off infections, over a lifetime, that could mean a healthier body and a younger one too.

#4: Better Sleep - Cure for insomnia anyone? Even after it's over it keeps on giving. According to research the oxytocin hormone released during sex also promotes sleep. And getting enough sleep has been linked with a host of other good things, such as maintaining a healthy weight and blood pressure. Not to mention that sleep is vital to ensure the person staring back in the mirror the next morning is looking their best, hence the term beauty sleep.

So in summary a healthy and active sex life can help us live longer and age better. So as we well and truly say goodbye to an era where sex was tabooed, we welcome the succession of a healthier one where we can embrace sex and stay feeling younger and living longer**!

SCEPTIC? If you don't believe me, after all who am I to be preaching on such matters, then you may want to read Secrets of the Superyoung by renowned Dr. David Weeks, a clinical neuropsychologist at Scotland’s Royal Edinburgh Hospital. Dr Weeks conducted a study of 3,500 people ranging in age from 18 to 102. At the end of his study Weeks concluded that sex actually slows the aging process.

**Disclaimer: Results may vary depending on individual lifestyle and environmental factors aside from just sex. So if you generally eat and drink in excess and have a lifestyle that is not congruent to maintaining your health, then please don't think that sex alone will keep you feeling and looking young - this is just delusional ;)

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Vitamin D Prevents Aging

Vitamin D is an important part of a healthy diet. New benefits of this vitamin are being discovered every day, but many people still do not receive enough vitamin D to reap the wonderful benefits it can provide to their health. Vitamin D is most famous for its contribution to joint and bone health by helping the body absorb calcium. It has been shown that people who take in enough vitamin D are less likely to suffer from osteoporosis and joint pain. This vitamin can also slow the affects of arthritis and lessen back pain in many individuals. Studies have shown that vitamin D can also prevent certain types of cancer.

Vitamin D is one of the only vitamins produced naturally by the body. However, in order for the body to produce vitamin D, it has to be exposed to an adequate amount of sunlight. Generally, an hour per week is more than enough, but surprisingly, many people are still not exposed to enough sun to produce beneficial amounts of vitamin D. Also, studies have shown that as we age, we tend to produce less vitamin D even with adequate sun exposure. These are the primary reasons why many adults have to monitor their diets to make sure they are taking in enough vitamin D.

Milk is often fortified with vitamin D, and you can also find good amounts of vitamin D in certain kinds of fish that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Cod liver oil is a nutritional supplement derived from liver of cod fish that is rich in vitamin D. Vitamin D supplements are also widely available.
While it is important to have enough vitamin D in your diet, it is possible to take in too much vitamin D. This often happens when a person receives a good amount of sun exposure and consumes many foods that contain moderate amounts of vitamin D, but also continues to take a vitamin D supplement. For this reason, it is important to discuss with your doctor whether or not you require a vitamin D supplement as part of your diet.

Learn more: watch this YouTube video 

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Top 10 Anti-Aging Foods

The general guidelines for the anti-aging diet are: keep your calorie consumption and saturated fat intake down; eat plenty of wholegrain, oily fish and fresh fruit and vegetables; and cut down on salt and sugar. In addition to these general guidelines, there are specific foods that have a roll in anti-aging and that you should regularly include in your diet.

Staying 5-10% below ideal body weight is a good target for anti-aging weight.

#1 Avocado:
This fruit, which is usually eaten as a vegetable, is a good source of healthy monounsaturated fat that may help to reduce level of a bad type of cholesterol in body. Avocado is a good source of vitamin E and can help to maintain healthy skin and prevent skin aging (vitamin E may also help alleviate menopausal hot flushes). It is rich in potassium which helps prevent fluid retention and high blood pressure.

#2 Berries:
All black and blue berries such as blackberries, blueberries, blackcurrants and black grapes contain phytochemicals known as flavonoids-powerful antioxidants which help to protect the body against damage caused by free radicals and aging.

#3 Cruciferous vegetables:
The family of Cruciferous vegetables includes cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, kale, turnip, brussels sprouts, radish and watercress. Cruciferous vegetables assist the body in its fight against toxins and cancer. You should try to consume at least 115g/40z(of any one or a combination) of these vegetables on a daily basis. If possible, eat them raw or very lightly cooked so that the important enzymes remain intact.

#4 Garlic:
Eating a clove of garlic a day (raw or cooked) helps to protect the body against cancer and heart disease. The cardioprotective effects of garlic are well recorded. One 1994 study in Iowa, USA, of 41,837 women between the age of 55 and 69 suggested that women who ate a clove of garlic at least once a week were 50 percent less likely to develop colon cancer. Another study at Tasgore Medical college in India suggested that garlic reduced cholesterol levels and assisted blood thinning more effectively than aspirin, thus helping to reduce the risk of heart disease.

#5 Ginger:
This spicy root can boost the digestive and circulatory systems, which can be useful for older people. Ginger may also help to alleviate rheumatic aches and pains.

#6 Nuts:
Most varieties of nuts are good sources of minerals, particularly walnuts and brazi nuts. Walnuts, although high in calories, are rich in potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper and selenium. Adding nuts to your diet (sprinkle them on salads and desserts) can enhance the functioning of your digestive and immune systems, improve your skin help control prevent cancer. Nuts may also help control cholesterol levels. Never eat rancid nuts, however, as they have been linked to a high incidence of free radicals.
#7 Soya:
Menopausal women might find that soya helps to maintain oestrogen levels. Soya may alleviate menopausal hot flush and protect against Alzheimer's disease, osteoporosis and heart disease. Look out for fermented soya products, which are more easily digested, therefore more nutritional, and do not generally cause food intolerances. You may want to check that soya products have not been genetically modified. Soya should not be confused with soya sauce, which is full of salt and should be used sparingly, if at all.

#8 Whole meal pasta and rice:
Complex carbohydrates provide a consistent supply of energy throughout the day and should make up the bulk of your diet. Wholemeal pasta is an excellent complex carbohydrate. It is high in fibre and contains twice the amount of iron as normal pasta. Brown rice is another recommended complex carbohydrate, which is high in fibre and B vitamins.

#9 Watermelon:
Both the flesh and seeds of the watermelon are nutritious so try blending them together in a food processor and drinking as a juice. The flesh contain vitamin A, B and C ; the seeds contain selenium, essential fats, zinc and vitamin E, all of which help against free radical damage and aging.

#10 Water:
Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day in order to remain healthy. Water helps us to get rid of the toxins and unwanted waste materials from your body. Don't rely on thirst; this sensation diminishes with age. Drink often and choose from nutritious liquids, including 100% fruit and vegetable juices, skim or low fat milk, broths, sparkling water, and teas. You can also get fluids from foods, especially those that are liquid at room temperature. Try gelatin, frozen yogurt, soups, watermelon, pickles, oranges, lettuce, tomatoes, etc.

Turning Back the Aging Clock

For as long as the humankind can remember ageng was consider a natural process that always ends with death. While many people accept this as a fact of life there are others who try to find ways to reverse the ageing process and why not, to defeat death if possible. 

According to Dr. Deepak Chopra, author of “Ageless Body Timeless Mind”, a person's age is a mixture of three different ages:  chronological (your age on the ID card), biological (the age of your body, as a result of your life experience) and psychological (the age you feel you have). While the first age cannot be changed, on the others two it is up to us to influence them. 

The biological age is given by the state of our body. In 2005, Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) has presented some interesting research at Edinburgh International Science Festival: an active person in his/her 80s can have the muscle strength of a much younger person who is sedentary (inactive). UK experts agree also on the fact that a diet (or supplements) rich in essential amino acids and compound proteins can help strengthen the muscles (after 40 years of age a person starts loosing between 0.5-2% of the muscle).

Exercising is one of the key factors in reversing the ageing process. Another is a positive change lifestyle which includes less stress, more rest/sleep and a balanced diet. Preventing and curing health problems in early stages (especially when talking about cardiovascular diseases, heart problems, cancer) also help us fight ageing. A good skin and hair therapy will also bring positive results.

The psychological age depends a lot on the life's experiences and our attitude toward them. If we are depressed, if we think negative about oneself, if we are overwhelmed by the day to day worries, if we forget to smile, laugh and enjoy ourselves than we will definitely accelerate the ageing process.
Reversing the ageing process is actually about living a healthy life, with lots of sport and a balanced diet and no excesses (wasting nights, smoking and drinking heavily). 

If you want to find out more feel free to check out this eBook